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History of USA Pickleball’s

Equipment Testing

USA Pickleball’s equipment certification process has a long standing history with the sport of pickleball. Throughout the years, the technical team has developed a process that is timely, affordable, implementable and has input from the manufacturing community. We invite you to review some highlights from our process, to date, as we look forward to advancing the sport and technology utilized for equipment testing into the future.

USAP’s equipment testing begins

With Element Space & Defense, formerly NTS, an independent accredited third-party world-class laboratory spearheading testing efforts.

USAP’s equipment certification grew

To include a test for coefficient of friction (COF) which measures a paddle’s friction characteristic, a significant contributor to spin, following the growth of the sport and in response to new coatings placed on paddles.

A Ball compression test was developed

Followed by a cantilever beam screening function, which evaluates paddle rigidity when open throat paddles were introduced in market.

USAP undertook research to implement 3D optical scanning

To better define the terrain of the paddle face. This technology pushed the boundaries of field-testing innovation with the flood of gritty molded resin paddles known as “raw carbon” which entered the market in 2022.

An ultrasonic test was implemented

To detect delamination problems in paddles, during field testing. Delamination is a condition where the layers of a paddle’s
material, such as the core and the surface, start to separate. This can weaken the paddle and affect its performance. Ultrasonic testing is a method that uses high-frequency sound waves to inspect materials.

USAP’s testing will Evolve

To include the paddle/ball coefficient of restitution (PBCoR) in Q4 of 2024. Over the last 8 months, USAP has worked with a committee comprised of the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), Element Space & Defense and equipment manufacturers to collaborate on the development of the PBCoR test to advance equipment testing standards.